online hub

Get the support you need, in your own time, wherever you are. Our Support Hub features useful guides, personal stories and the latest news from akt.

voting while homeless

You have a right to vote even if you don’t have a permanent address. Here’s our essential guide to voting while you’re experiencing homelessness.

keys in a lock

rental concerns

If you’re concerned about cost of living and affording rent, there are some steps you can take.

queer joy

This summer, we’re drowning out the hate and hostility with a tidal wave of queer joy!

why we exist

In 2023, a charity that supports LGBTQ+ young people experiencing homelessness, should not need to exist. This campaign is about why akt is needed and how we help.

support services

Help is available if you need it. Find the right kind of support for you from our list of LGBTQ+, homelessness, and general support services below.