This Pride, you can save a LGBTQ+ young person’s life.

The UK still isn’t safe for LGBTQ+ youth. akt is the only national charity specialising in LGBTQ+ youth homelessness.

Our expert caseworkers help young people out of crisis, and into safe accommodation, education, training, healthcare and more.

Donate £100 today to give an LGBTQ+ young person a brighter future*

Many of the young people we work with are rejected from mainstream services before coming to akt for help.

One in four also face violence and abuse at home before contacting akt.

We continue to see more demand for our services than we can supply. In London, over one in four new cases must be signposted elsewhere because the service is at capacity. For our digital service, that number is one in five.

Donate this Pride and give LGBTQ+ youth somewhere #safetobe. We urgently need your help so we can keep up with demand for our life-saving services.

No one should have to choose between a safe home and being who they are.


I was suicidal. Now, I’m excited about life. akt has changed everything for me.
Tom^, a young akt service user in London.

Donate £50 to help pay for supermarket vouchers to buy an emergency supply of food for a young person

*A donation of £100 could pay to help a young LGBTQ+ person settle into new accommodation (e.g. electric heater, blanket, bed sheets, mop and towel).

^Tom’s name has been changed to protect his identity, but his story is real.