akt BBPoC youth engagement volunteer

Find out more about akt’s BBPoC youth engagement volunteer role.

The Youth Engagement team offers a range of opportunities to young people who have accessed akt’s housing service. We offer group trips, workshops, as well as working towards a Youth Conference, a Youth Panel and other exciting long-term projects. This role will support the Black, Brown and People of Colour (BBPoC) co-ordinator.  This would be assisting with the BBPoC LGBTQ+ youth group in London and the national online group.  However, there will also be opportunities to get involved with additional activities, events and opportunities for young people which volunteers can assist with e.g. Pride events, theatre trips etc. These are more ad-hoc and will depend on availability– they are not an expectation of the role.

Suggested activities

  • Helping to organise and plan sessions which cover a broad range of activities such as creative activities, workshops, projects, well-being sessions and hangouts
  • Assist the Youth Engagement Team to engage young LGBTQ+ BBPoC in a programme of meaningful activities designed to promote well-being and support young people to meet their personal goals e.g. welcoming young people when they arrive, assisting them to engage in the activities and helping with clearing up
  • Support the meaningful engagement of young BBPoC in the co-creation of akt’s services and projects
  • Developing and creating resources to provide advice, support and reassurance to LGBTQ+ young BBPoC on issues and topics that matter to them most
  • Co-facilitate BBPoC groups and peer support sessions with the opportunity to lead in running some activities

Time and location: The two groups will run 2-3 hours once a month.  Volunteers will be expected to arrive early and stay behind to pack up and debrief, which would add an extra 30-45mins.  Owing to the nature of the role we would require a commitment of at least 6 months.

Deadline: Friday 19th April

Please note: we have included a more in-depth role description which will give you more information on the type of tasks you’ll be undertaking in this role as well as the support you’ll get from us in return. A DBS check will be required for this role. Any questions, feel free to check out our FAQs below or email us at volunteering@akt.org.uk

BBPoC Youth Engagement volunteer application form

Apply here

download the services volunteer role description

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