charlie’s story
Find out more about Charlie's journey with akt and The Trans Pathway Project.
The Trans Pathway Project is our 3 year pilot project funded by St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity, providing support to 18-25 year old trans and non-binary people in Greater Manchester who are facing homelessness.
The Trans Pathway Project is catered specifically towards trans+ young people in Greater Manchester who have been made, or are facing homeless, due to transphobia. akt is currently the only charity to offer a highly specialised support service of this sort in the area.
We are extremely grateful to St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity, for funding this project, which has supported 72 trans+ young people facing homelessness to date.
One in four trans people in the UK has experienced homelessness at some point in their lives. Trans+ people often face additional barriers to accessing support with housing and homelessness, such as:
The Trans Pathway Project provides specialised support to trans and non-binary 18-25 year olds facing homelessness in Greater Manchester, through floating support and youth engagement activities.
The support we provide:
Everybody should have a safe place to live where they can be themself. We are grateful to St Martin's for funding the project over three years, which has allowed us to provide consistent and sustained support to trans young people. Taking a holistic approach to trans housing through casework, advocacy and empowering young people, the Trans Pathway is unique but meets a need which is sadly widespread. I hope this project can provide a useful model for others in the homelessness sector.Ben, the Trans Pathway Project Manager
We are delighted to be funding akt’s Trans Pathway Project, to provide specialist support to trans and non-binary young people in Greater Manchester. The three-year funding provided through our Frontline Fund has enabled akt to support over 70 trans+ young people to date, addressing the additional barriers often faced.Tim Bissett, Executive Director at St Martin-in-the-Fields Charity
Find out more about Charlie's journey with akt and The Trans Pathway Project.
Find out more about Tash's journey with akt and The Trans Pathway Project.