LGBT+ helpline - offering a kind ear, support and signposting 0800 0119 100 (10am-10pm every day) hello@switchboard.lgbt
If you’re living in a hostile environment, experiencing homelessness or in need of guidance, these are the organisations to contact. We’ve added opening hours, to help you reach someone at challenging times like weekends, bank holidays and late at night.
In an emergency, always call 999. The services on this page can offer guidance, information and emotional support when other services are closed.
LGBT+ helpline - offering a kind ear, support and signposting 0800 0119 100 (10am-10pm every day) hello@switchboard.lgbt
Confidential support for women, non-binary people and children 0808 2000 247 (any time)
Housing and homelessness advice, advocacy and legal aid 0808 800 444 (Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm; weekends and bank holidays, 9am-5pm)
Domestic abuse helpline for men and non-binary people 0808 8010 327 (Mon-Fri, 10am-8pm) info@mensadviceline.org.uk
Support for anyone affected by crime 0808 1689 111 (any time)
Listening service for anyone who is suicidal or struggling 116 123 (any time) jo@samaritans.org
Providing emergency food and support to people in poverty 0808 208 2138 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) enquiries@trusselltrust.org
24/7 text messaging service for anyone who is struggling to cope Text 85258 (any time) info@giveusashout.org
Advice and support for anyone with mental health difficulties 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) info@mind.org.uk
Essential support for under 25s - advice and support for anything 0808 808 4994 (Mon-Sat, 4pm-11pm)
For LGBT+ people experiencing abuse or violence 0800 9995428 (Mon-Thu, 10am -8.30pm; Fri, 10am-4.30pm) help@galop.org.uk
Connecting rough sleepers with services 0300 500 0914 (any time)
Helping gender-diverse kids, young people and their families 0808 801 0400 (Mon-Fri, 9am-9pm) info@mermaidsuk.org.uk
Support for people estranged from their family or children Send a message
Mental health service for the LGBTQ+ community 01273 234489 info@mindout.org.uk
Find out more information about support services near you.