campaigns & policies to tackle lgbtq+ youth homelessness

We work both locally and nationally to influence policy and practice that will improve outcomes for LGBTQ+ young people.

why lgbtq+ homelessness should be on your radar

  • Up 24% of young people experiencing homelessness identify as LGBTQ+.
  • 77% of LGBTQ+ youth homelessness could be preventable, as it is caused by familial rejection, abuse and ejection from the home.
  • The impact on LGBTQ+ young people’s health, wellbeing, safety, and life chances (education, employment) is much greater than their peers.
  • Less than half (44%) of LGBTQ+ young people were aware of housing support services the last time they experienced homelessness.
  • Over half (59%) of LGBTQ+ young people have faced some form of discrimination or harassment while accessing services.

#whyweexist campaign

In 2023, a charity that supports LGBTQ+ young people experiencing homelessness should not need to exist. This campaign is about making LGBTQ+ youth homelessness a priority. Find out how you can get involved in our 2023 campaign to help LGBTQ+ young people find safe housing and secure futures by clicking on the button below.

five things we need to help lgbtq+ young people experiencing homelessness

  • a national strategy on LGBTQ+ youth homelessness
    LGBTQ+ young people experience homelessness in distinct ways and are disproportionately impacted by homelessness. We need a cross-governmental that responds to their needs and experiences.
  • universal standardised monitoring of LGBTQ+ identities
    LGBTQ+ young people largely remain ‘hidden’ within official homelessness data. We want to see standardised inclusive monitoring of gender identity and sexuality in housing and homelessness services.
  • a system where no young person faces recurring homelessness
    We must look at pathways into safe, affordable, and inclusive housing in the longterm, which means offering rounded support and investing in inclusive emergency and social housing.
  • access to inclusive support for every young person
    The needs of LGBTQ+ young people should be reflected in the polices, strategies and procedures of housing providers. Additionally, young people must be included within the Homelessness Code of Guidance.
  • a safe, affordable, inclusive society
    we want to see stronger rights for LGBTQ+ private renters, and wider reforms of the private rental sector, including welfare reform.


The cost of living crisis is a national emergency. We’ve made the following recommendations for policymakers:

1. instate a temporary ban on evictions
The coronavirus pandemic showed us that actions like this are possible in states of emergency - we want evictions to be banned until the economy stabilises.

2. raise housing benefits in line with inflation
The true value of benefits has fallen to a 40-year low. The government must address this by raising benefits in line with inflation.

3. implement a national lgbtq+ youth homelessness strategy
At this point of crisis, the government must implement a joined-up strategy that addresses the needs of young people from LGBTQ+ communities, people of colour, disabled people, and migrants.